Friday, September 23, 2011

Vintage Craftool Swivel Knife

I bought this swivel knife on eBay recently. The knife is an earlier Craftool and only the saddle and stem are chrome plated. The barrel has really nice and crisp checkering, but is non-plated steel. I haven't seen any others like this, but I am guessing that this non-adjustable model was fairly common. Judging by my other Craftool swivel knives that I know the approximate dates on, I think this tool may be from the early to mid-1950's. Any comments/corrections here are appreciated.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

iPhone 4 Case


I just finished up this slip case for my wife's iPhone 4. The floral pattern was taken from the book: Lucky Seven - Foto Carve Patterns and Instructions for Carving Leather.  I made the template for the case by adding 1/4" to the dimensions of the phone.

After I carved the design, I cut a back to match and then saddle stitched the two sides together and finished the edges. Once it was stitched and had its edges burnished, I wet the leather inside and out and inserted a wood 'iPhone' made from plywood and formed the case and let it dry. This slip case is finished with Fiebing's Acrylic Resolene which was applied with a wet sponge.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Stihl 015 Chainsaw

Stihl 015

My childhood dreams of owning my own chainsaw are finally realized! On a walk in my neighborhood this last Sunday I found this at a rummage sale. I have cleaned and inspected it throughout and it doesn't outwardly seem to need any parts so far. Over the past few days, researching online, I have found that this saw is popular as an arborist saw due to its compact, top-handle design. I did a little research about chains and bars as well and found that I could true the bar on my bench top disk sander, as one side had uneven wear. When I put the saw back together, I flipped the bar and retensioned the chain and there is very little side-to-side play in the chain. I need to pick up some bar oil and also some oil to mix the gasoline. I cannot wait to start it up and find a use for this little classic saw.

Below are a few pictures of the saw disassembled during the cleaning.

Right, rear view showing engine and clutch

Freshly cleaned starter side case and chain

Here is all the crud that I cleaned out from the groove in the bar! Lots for a little space.